Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurry Home Daddy!!!

Keith has been with BMW for about 12 1/2 years now and a few years ago actually got a promotion. He got off the assembly line and now manages a section of the line with about 40 or so associates reporting directly to him. A few months ago he was informed that he would have the opportunity to go to Germany for a few weeks to be able to work in some of the other plants. Well, this morning the children and I put him on an airplane and as of this minute he is somewhere out there headed to Munich. He will be gone for two whole weeks. Noah is still too young to really understand, but Makenna was so broken-hearted this morning that her Daddy was leaving. Up until today, she really has been more worried about what presents he was going to bring back. The reality, however, set in as we kissed good-bye at the gate.

Keith, we are all very proud that you were given this opportunity and hope that you have a great trip. Stay safe and hurry home. We all love you to pieces and miss you terribly.

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