Makenna Grace- my first born- Ms. Independent. Makenna was such a good baby and she always seemed to be in a hurry to do things. She was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, by 5 months she was sitting up, at 6 months she was crawling and somewhere between 9 and 10 months, she skipped the walking altogether and started running. By 2 1/2 she was completely potty trained and you could have a complete conversation with her and she wouldn't skip a beat. She's always seemed more mature for her age. These are just a few of the things that make Makenna who she is.
She hated baby food and would only eat a few different items. She completely gave up her bottle by 10 months and she never wanted a pacifier so I never had to try to think of clever ways to break her from that habit. We did, however, have to have a sippy cup of water or juice wherever she went. I think she could drink like a camel.
Makenna loved to sing and dance while watching The Wiggles on the Disney Channel and I used to love to be able to watch her do her thing while she wasn't looking. Because she was a little more mature, outings and vacations were usually such a breeze. Don't get me wrong, she did have her shining moments where she would show everyone in the mall just how much she could aggravate Mommy and her screaming fits were Oscar-worthy.
There are many times I wish I could go back and have just a day or two with Makenna the baby or Makenna the toddler again. As she gets older, it is becoming harder and harder to remember what it was like then. Since there is no way to go back in time, I thought I would post some of my most favorite pictures of Makenna when she was still a wee one.
Thank you so much for inviting me to read your blog. Its great to read about other Moms and what they are thinking and how they are coping. Its an exhausting, precious, heart-breaking, mind bending, completely satisfying time of life isnt it? And as you said it is flying by so we might as well drink up, right?
1 comment:
Thank you so much for inviting me to read your blog. Its great to read about other Moms and what they are thinking and how they are coping. Its an exhausting, precious, heart-breaking, mind bending, completely satisfying time of life isnt it? And as you said it is flying by so we might as well drink up, right?
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