Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here Comes Trouble

Michael Noah- my second born- Mr. Not-So-Independent

Before Noah arrived, people would ask me how good of a baby Makenna was. "Great", I would say, and then they would grin. I would then be subjected to a lecture about how the first one is always the good one so you will want more. It's the second one that is trouble. I guess I'm one of the lucky moms that got to experience this theory first hand. Before I go any further, let me just say that no matter how trying he may be at times, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Well, maybe that's not exactly true, especially when he is having one of his days where he cries nonstop and I can't figure out for the life of me what in the world he wants. Even so, I treasure my little boy and thank God that He brought Noah into our lives.

I really don't remember having too much trouble with Noah when he was an infant. Like Makenna, he was a pretty good baby. It didn't take long for him to begin sleeping through the night and he was always pretty laid back. He didn't accomplish those baby milestones quite as quickly as his big "Sissy"...he sat up at 6 months and wasn't crawling until late in his 7th month. Like Sissy, though, he was an early walker and could get around pretty good by somewhere between 10 and 11 months. Noah preferred having a paci, but giving it up wasn't too big of a deal. He wasn't quite 18 months and we didn't have to resort to all sorts of crazy methods to accomplish this goal. He gave up the bottle at around 10 months as well, but let me tell ya, this one can eat, and eat, and eat. I'm almost afraid to know what my grocery bill will like be when he reaches about 12 years old.

I guess the one thing that makes my two kids so different is their maturity level at different ages. At 2 1/2 we're are no where near being potty trained and he still doesn't talk too much. He does, however, have his own language and can tell you all about it, complete with over-the-top hand gestures, but we don't have a clue what he is talking about. He seems to know exactly what he is saying, so we just kind of nod along and say things like, "is that right?" and "tell me about it." He does have a few phrases that are easily understandable..."put me down" and "let me go". Most often these are directed at sister. Speaking of sister, when he sees her across the room, he will let everybody know that is his "Siiissssy!" He's even gotten to the point that you can actually ask him his name and he politely responds "Baby Noah."

One thing I have learned from my first child is to savour every moment I have with Noah at this age because it doesn't last long. So, here are a few of my favorite pics of "Baby Noah".

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