Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home At Last

Keith finally arrived home safe and sound from Germany on Saturday evening.

The children were so excited on Saturday morning when they realized this was the day Daddy comes home. Makenna asked me probably 100 times when it was time to go pick up Daddy. He was supposed to arrive around 5:00 p.m. that day. As time got closer, I continued checking his flight on my Blackberry to make sure it would arrive on time. When we arrived at the airport, the board indicated it would be a little later than I had anticipated. I tried to keep the kids busy. They enjoyed running around outside in the courtyard. We even ended up having supper at the airport counter service area. The kids thought it so much fun sitting up at the counter. All during this time, though, Keith's flight was being delayed more and more. Finally, I took the kids and went to Starbucks for a treat and to kill time. On our way back, Makenna spotted Keith's plane in the air making it's approach for landing. Daddy was home at last. They ran to him as fast as they could when they saw him.

Keith, we're glad that you had a good trip, but are even happier that you are now at home with us where you belong.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

1 Down...1 To Go

Well, it's been one week since Keith left on his business trip to Germany. Now, we only have one week left to go. I have to say, the week went by pretty quickly. We are much busier now that both kids go to school (even though Noah only goes twice a week). We also still have gymnastics once a week, so there has been plenty to do. We've also been painting and redecorating Makenna's room, so that has taken up some time. (More on that to come.)

We've been doing fairly well. The kids, I think, have been doing much better than mommy. They tend to get too busy trying to kill each other. At least that's what it sounds like from the playroom down the hall. I guess I should clarify that...they absolutely love each other to pieces and love to pick on each other that much more. They end up getting pretty rough with each other, but the one thing I hear over top of all of that is both of them laughing to their heart's content.

I try not to let them know how sad I get sometimes. I did have a rather rough morning today, though. I am fairly used to taking care of the children by myself through the week because Keith works on the night shift still, but I got up this morning and just felt kind of lost. Saturdays are the days we get to see the most of each other and I just didn't feel like I knew what to do with myself. At one point Noah found me in the bathroom crying and he just looked up at me and said, "don't worry mommy, don't worry mommy". It was so sweet and I was able to get myself together.

We're back to school on Monday and through our daily routines, I'm sure the week will fly by just like the last. Makenna made a calendar that she put on the refrigerator and each night before she goes to bed, she marks off the day and counts how many are left until we pick up Daddy.

Keith, we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you on Saturday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Remembrance of 9/11...

September 11, 2001, is one of those day that I will always remeber exactly where I was and what I was doing when the history of our great country was scarred with such a terrible act of violence. I was working at my last law office job when a co-worker came into my office and announced that someone had just flown an airplane into the World Trade Center. I remember thinking that it was probably just small private plane that had lost control or had mechanical issues. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined what We as a nation were in the midst of experiencing.

I am so thankful to be an American and so proud of how our country pulled together in the aftermath of such a great tragedy.

To all of those who lost loved ones, you are in our thoughts and prayers. To all of our troops serving both here and abroad, THANK YOU just doesn't seem adequate. May God continue to bless and keep safe our great Nation.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurry Home Daddy!!!

Keith has been with BMW for about 12 1/2 years now and a few years ago actually got a promotion. He got off the assembly line and now manages a section of the line with about 40 or so associates reporting directly to him. A few months ago he was informed that he would have the opportunity to go to Germany for a few weeks to be able to work in some of the other plants. Well, this morning the children and I put him on an airplane and as of this minute he is somewhere out there headed to Munich. He will be gone for two whole weeks. Noah is still too young to really understand, but Makenna was so broken-hearted this morning that her Daddy was leaving. Up until today, she really has been more worried about what presents he was going to bring back. The reality, however, set in as we kissed good-bye at the gate.

Keith, we are all very proud that you were given this opportunity and hope that you have a great trip. Stay safe and hurry home. We all love you to pieces and miss you terribly.