Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Round 1...

August 17, 2010 - Mauldin Elementary School
Have a GREAT year in 2nd Grade with Mrs. Bryson!!

Round 2...

August 23, 2010 - SFBCDC
Have a GREAT year in K-4 with

Mrs. Gendreau and Mrs. Cheryl!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good-Bye, Old Girl

A couple of months ago, we unexpectedly had to say good-bye to our precious pup, Cassidy. She was our first wedding anniversary present, housewarming present and first baby all rolled into one. She gave us 13 great years and we continue to miss her each and every day. Good-bye, Cassidy. We love you and you will forever live in our hearts.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Reindeer Food

Sprinkle on the lawn at night,
the moon will make it sparkle bright.
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
this will guide them to your home.

Recipe: equal parts oatmeal (uncooked) and red and green colored sugar.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Halloween and Boo in the Zoo-2009

Trick or Treat this year was something to remember, for sure. It was WET! However, we went anyway. I mean, what's a little rain? The kids surely were not going to allow it to keep them from collecting a horrendous amount of candy. We even got Fallon in on the action, even though we had to bring him back home after after about five houses becuase he got tired. Okay, let's all say it collectively...AWWWWWW! {Yes, he's a bit lazy.) So, we headed out, in the minivan with doors wide open, Daddy driving and Mommy and kids ready to hop out at any given moment. We got half way around the block and caught up with a group of four or five families who were trick or treating togehter. This is when it got to be not so fun. The big kids (and I mean BIG kids) ended up almost trampling Noah at one house to the point where he almost fell down some stairs. Yikes! Come on, people, teach the kids some manners. Anyway, by this time, the kids' buckets were overflowing to the point they were saying, "Mommy, can you carry this? It's too heavy." We were all sopping wet and just ready to go home.

A couple of weeks before Halloween, we continued with our second annual visit to Boo in the Zoo with Makenna's very first friend from K-4, Alanna. Turns out her mommy and I both went to Southside together, although we were a few years apart and didn't really know each other. We all became fast friends and have enjoyed getting together for Boo in the Zoo and then our pizza dinner at Stevi B's. Hopefully, this will continue to be a tradition that we carry on for years to come.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Once Again...Time to Play Catch Up

It's about that time again. I hate that I'm slacking off so much and not keeping my blog up to date. I'm on the computer all day long, so you would think I would be better at this. Truth be told, by the time I've done nothing but type for five or six hours a day, the computer is the last thing I want to deal with. So, because of that, I have this long list of ideas for posts just sitting on my desk. At any given moment, I will have a random thought about a good blog post and things that I need to document for the kiddos. So, here's the deal...I know it's almost Valentine's Day, but I'm going to back-track a little bit, but hey, better late than never, right? I'm probably going to take you back as far as Halloween, so just bear with me over the next several posts. I've got a plan and hopefully within the next week, I will be all caught up. Cross your fingers!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010