Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Noah's Turn...K-2

Dear Noah...

Today marked your first day of Pre-School. You began K-2 at Simpsonville First Baptist CDC today (the same school Sissy went to last year). You are in Miss Melissa's class (when you say it, it just comes out "Missa")and you will be going on Tuesday and Friday mornings this year.

We were so excited when a spot opened up for you to be able to attend. We thought you needed to be around some other kids your age for a bit, especially since you spend just about every waking minute with Mommy. (You're a bit of a Mama's boy.) Daddy and I took you and dropped you off and it was a litte bitter sweet. Of course, you cried when we had to leave, but I doubt that it lasted too long. I think after you get used to it, you will be just fine.

Have a great year in K-2 and we hope that you have tons of fun and learn all sorts of great things.

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